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Task 1 English Bussiness 1

Good night
This time I will tell you about one of the wonders of the world, the Taj Mahal
The Taj Mahal is one of the wonders of the world in a monument in India located in Agra. The entire city was built on the banks of the Yamuna River in Agra. Strangely, in my opinion, the Indian government still claims the Taj Mahal is a wonder of the world. Even though in this day and age Indonesians are too forgetful about this tour, almost nobody even goes there. The building was built by Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan, and his youngest wife Mumtaz was built between 1631 and 1654 with 22,000 employees.
Persians and Mughals who made this architecture. In particular, Thamuriyah and Mughal buildings such as Stalin Taimur Samadhi, Humayun Samadhi, Shah Jahan, and Jama Mosque in Delhi are based on design. Previous buildings were built from red sandstone. During his reign, the buildings were highly correlated.
Ah, it turns out the Taj Mahal only uses paint, sandstone and gravel. Although simple, the results don't seem to be playing games. Perhaps the Agra region was influenced by Islam so that in making aquariums there were no embroidery of humans and unclean animals for them. The "Khan" artist makes Tulut type artificial forests made from sea meat sandwiches.
The Taj Mahal is decorated with traditional brilliance. In this area, precious stones are printed. The intersection is octagonal. The gates are all arranged on the side but only the door to the south side park is used. The inner wall is around 25 meters. Their "pseudo" murmurs are made of sunlight.
The Taj Mahal Building Complex is surrounded by a Mughal park that is 300 meters long and 300 meters wide. The footpath established here divides four quarters of the park into 16 booths. A pool is located in the middle of the building and the entrance to the building. Standing on the northeast axis seen in the building's pool. Other garden areas are wooden lines and artificial fountains. The Mughal Park, founded by a Persian garden design, was introduced to India by the Mughal Emperor Babur. This is a symbolic form for a garden in heaven that flows through four rivers. In the Mughal Islamic text, heaven is said to be a garden with a river flowing in four directions from the spring in the middle.
Transport access to and from the Taj Mahal is quite complete including trains and buses. Indian women who visit there must not be looking for a mate, because if you are looking for a mate, you should sing a Dangdut song so that there are lots of men sticking to them.
I want to hope, so that the Taj Mahal and Borobudur Temple can compete and capture tourists and Borobudur Temple is the winner in this tour war.
Just be aware of India, so-so they are growing rapidly!

William Adriel
Luthfi Halim


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